Artificial Intelligence & How it is transforming the Digital Marketing space.

Arjun Nair
5 min readMar 1, 2021

Introduction — (Intelligence Demystified)

The world is expected to be completely transformed in the coming years and we shall be a witness to at-least the start of a much evolved and changed arena.

Those who are in the field of technology can perceive what is in store for the many generations that will come and can imagine what the future will be like. And for those who have no clue as to what is happening will also unconsciously be engulfed with various technological emoluments that will drive our lives ahead.

I am an ardent enthusiast of Hollywood tech movies that have tried to take their imaginations to the wildest possible spaces to visually give us a glimpse of our future lives.

The American moviemakers have been way ahead in perceiving many things that have, at a later point in time become a reality. Maybe they were making movies based on the technological experiments and advancements happening then and the possible outcome that they were aimed to achieve.

At that time, it did raise my adrenaline and to be honest it still does. Technology is shown to take over mankind in many unimaginable ways. I should say today what we see or are getting to finally experience is not any Hollywood movie but reality in the making.

We are on a path to what can either be the beginning of an ecosystem where humans and machines co exists and if we give the liberty to our imaginations to go further to experience human enslavement to, may be “The Transformers”?

Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Reality are two significant areas that have been topics of major interest and over the years have had many important developments.

It was rather a self-learning experience to converge two absolutely different topics, Artificial Intelligence and Digital Marketing, and find out specific ways where they both can be used together in helping businesses to grow. In the process, I have tried to get into the details of each of them to better understand and evaluate important ways that will help in giving my readers a content rich resource.

To start with lets get a quick peak on some specificities about Artificial Intelligence that can be a foundation for this article. Though the topic seems to be very wide and cannot be covered entirely in one single article, I thought of breaking it down to separate articles with continuity.

As I have already mentioned that my learning revolves more around the integration of AI in Digital Marketing, it surely is worth the time in knowing more about AI and “Intelligence” in specific as AI seems to be rather the child born from the Human Intelligence.

So What is Intelligence?

Have we understood Intelligence in the entirety of it is the biggest question that one might pose, more because we have tried to produce so many diverse products and services by using it. Can we, assuming the ones to be super intelligent on the planet be able to define it?


In the pursuit of finding out one precise definition of Intelligence I had been through various literatures and resources and had to conclude that there is no correct and concrete definition on Intelligence. Doesn't that feel strange?

Which leaves me with a very conclusive thought that Intelligence is not a single element that exists in everyone but it rather is a very dynamic and volatile set of actions or reactions that is influenced by various subset of activities all playing a part in ranking the levels of intelligence that exist around us. It is not a single dynamics but multilevel facets that can be different in every human being.

Hence the only way out is to define Intelligence in a maximally broad and inclusive view.

To put things in the simplest of perspectives, Intelligence as suggested by many thinkers have tried to explain it as follows.


Intelligence cannot be referred to as the state of mind developed to be applied only to a single scenario. It has the ability to either apply the same solution to a recurring problem or modify the existing solution that best fits a current scenario. Intelligence collects information and after processing stores it in the form of knowledge so that the same can be applied to various scenarios that can be different according to the context.

Such contextual applications are learnt again and information thus inferred is stored again as knowledge for further repetitive applications or further modified applications.

This is rather understandable because we live in a very complex world that have multiple entities in the form of Humans, Animals and today Machines all trying to co exists in an integrated way with a goal to maintain a balanced living environment.

Intelligence so is the ability to perceive or infer information, and to retain it as knowledge to be applied towards adaptive behaviours within an environment or context that involves more than one entities both living and non- living.

Hence one can definitely perceive intelligence to be a general mental ability that very much is connected to the real living environment. This makes it necessary that Intelligence inherently should possess the ability for reasoning, problem solving, and learning and hence Intelligence inherently can be Analytic, Linguistic, Emotional and very much Contextual.

This gives us a much clearer understanding of Intelligence as it integrates functions such as perception, attention, memory, language or planning all working in tandem towards achieving a singular or complex goals.

So Intelligence cannot be considered to be having a singular function but rather a much integrated workspace that will have the following core areas of functioning as (As generally defined)

  • Learning — The process of acquiring new understanding, knowledge, behaviours, skills, values, attitudes, and preferences.
  • Reasoning — The capacity of consciously making sense of things, applying logic, and adapting or justifying practices, institutions, and general beliefs.
  • Understanding — The knowledge and ability to judge a particular scenario or subject.
  • Grasping Truth — Understanding reality and learning from realtime situations to be stored.
  • Seeing Relationships — Getting hold of the interactions and relations between entities around to learn and formulate methods for co-existence.
  • Finding Meaning — Existence can never be without a goal and imperatively one should be able to define the meaning between entities and realtime scenarios.

and most importantly

  • Separate facts from beliefs — Intelligence will have the ability to identify information to process it and extract facts from just beliefs.

Continued Thoughts : Intelligence can be perceived to be very complex and sometimes as simple as it largely depends on its logical ability to understand the existence of entities in an environment and the interactions based on contextual scenarios.

I have tried to create a foundation here to understand “Intelligence”, for my upcoming continued article that will be about “Artificial Intelligence “and its different kinds and what we as creator expect from a complete AI.



Arjun Nair

Founder of Aspensoft Technologies, Technology Consultant, Digital Marketer and Blogger. Ardent Cricket Enthusiast. Loves music, food, and reading.